2024-02-11 20:23.48: New job: test conan.0.0.4 with conf-pkg-config.1.2, using opam dev
                              from https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository.git#refs/pull/25235/head (8c7391d6ec81e93f24de221eb32a886b72d1ede6)
                              on debian-12-ocaml-5.1/amd64

To reproduce locally:

cd $(mktemp -d)
git clone --recursive "https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository.git" && cd "opam-repository" && git fetch origin "refs/pull/25235/head" && git reset --hard 8c7391d6
git fetch origin master
git merge --no-edit 8477e9a74beb40d85534ab7653b65d45607a147f
cat > ../Dockerfile <<'END-OF-DOCKERFILE'
FROM ocaml/opam:debian-12-ocaml-5.1@sha256:931805f2c2fdb0b5642ae8463ff0780c2ee3f4afb48734a7d94e2d5163429930
USER 1000:1000
WORKDIR /home/opam
RUN sudo ln -f /usr/bin/opam-dev /usr/bin/opam
RUN opam init --reinit -ni
ENV CI="true"
RUN rm -rf opam-repository/
COPY --chown=1000:1000 . opam-repository/
RUN opam repository set-url --strict default opam-repository/
RUN opam update --depexts || true
ENV OPAMCRITERIA="-removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed"
ENV OPAMFIXUPCRITERIA="-removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed"
ENV OPAMUPGRADECRITERIA="-removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed"
RUN opam pin add -k version -yn conf-pkg-config.1.2 1.2
RUN opam reinstall conf-pkg-config.1.2; \
    res=$?; \
    test "$res" != 31 && exit "$res"; \
    export OPAMCLI=2.0; \
    build_dir=$(opam var prefix)/.opam-switch/build; \
    failed=$(ls "$build_dir"); \
    partial_fails=""; \
    for pkg in $failed; do \
    if opam show -f x-ci-accept-failures: "$pkg" | grep -qF "\"debian-12\""; then \
    echo "A package failed and has been disabled for CI using the 'x-ci-accept-failures' field."; \
    fi; \
    test "$pkg" != 'conf-pkg-config.1.2' && partial_fails="$partial_fails $pkg"; \
    done; \
    test "${partial_fails}" != "" && echo "opam-repo-ci detected dependencies failing: ${partial_fails}"; \
    exit 1
ENV OPAMCRITERIA="-removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed"
ENV OPAMFIXUPCRITERIA="-removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed"
ENV OPAMUPGRADECRITERIA="-removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed"
RUN opam reinstall conan.0.0.4; \
    res=$?; \
    test "$res" != 31 && exit "$res"; \
    export OPAMCLI=2.0; \
    build_dir=$(opam var prefix)/.opam-switch/build; \
    failed=$(ls "$build_dir"); \
    partial_fails=""; \
    for pkg in $failed; do \
    if opam show -f x-ci-accept-failures: "$pkg" | grep -qF "\"debian-12\""; then \
    echo "A package failed and has been disabled for CI using the 'x-ci-accept-failures' field."; \
    fi; \
    test "$pkg" != 'conan.0.0.4' && partial_fails="$partial_fails $pkg"; \
    done; \
    test "${partial_fails}" != "" && echo "opam-repo-ci detected dependencies failing: ${partial_fails}"; \
    exit 1
ENV OPAMCRITERIA="-removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed"
ENV OPAMFIXUPCRITERIA="-removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed"
ENV OPAMUPGRADECRITERIA="-removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed"
RUN (opam reinstall --with-test conan.0.0.4) || true
RUN opam reinstall --with-test --verbose conan.0.0.4; \
    res=$?; \
    test "$res" != 31 && exit "$res"; \
    export OPAMCLI=2.0; \
    build_dir=$(opam var prefix)/.opam-switch/build; \
    failed=$(ls "$build_dir"); \
    partial_fails=""; \
    for pkg in $failed; do \
    if opam show -f x-ci-accept-failures: "$pkg" | grep -qF "\"debian-12\""; then \
    echo "A package failed and has been disabled for CI using the 'x-ci-accept-failures' field."; \
    fi; \
    test "$pkg" != 'conan.0.0.4' && partial_fails="$partial_fails $pkg"; \
    done; \
    test "${partial_fails}" != "" && echo "opam-repo-ci detected dependencies failing: ${partial_fails}"; \
    exit 1

docker build -f ../Dockerfile .

2024-02-11 20:23.48: Using cache hint "ocaml/opam:debian-12-ocaml-5.1@sha256:931805f2c2fdb0b5642ae8463ff0780c2ee3f4afb48734a7d94e2d5163429930-conf-pkg-config.1.2-conan.0.0.4-8c7391d6ec81e93f24de221eb32a886b72d1ede6"
2024-02-11 20:23.48: Using OBuilder spec:
((from ocaml/opam:debian-12-ocaml-5.1@sha256:931805f2c2fdb0b5642ae8463ff0780c2ee3f4afb48734a7d94e2d5163429930)
 (user (uid 1000) (gid 1000))
 (workdir /home/opam)
 (run (shell "sudo ln -f /usr/bin/opam-dev /usr/bin/opam"))
 (run (network host)
      (shell "opam init --reinit --config .opamrc-sandbox -ni"))
 (env CI true)
 (env OPAM_REPO_CI true)
 (run (shell "rm -rf opam-repository/"))
 (copy (src .) (dst opam-repository/))
 (run (shell "opam repository set-url --strict default opam-repository/"))
 (run (network host)
      (shell "opam update --depexts || true"))
 (env OPAMCRITERIA -removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed)
 (env OPAMFIXUPCRITERIA -removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed)
 (env OPAMUPGRADECRITERIA -removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed)
 (run (shell "opam pin add -k version -yn conf-pkg-config.1.2 1.2"))
 (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
      (network host)
      (shell  "opam reinstall conf-pkg-config.1.2;\
             \n        res=$?;\
             \n        test \"$res\" != 31 && exit \"$res\";\
             \n        export OPAMCLI=2.0;\
             \n        build_dir=$(opam var prefix)/.opam-switch/build;\
             \n        failed=$(ls \"$build_dir\");\
             \n        partial_fails=\"\";\
             \n        for pkg in $failed; do\
             \n          if opam show -f x-ci-accept-failures: \"$pkg\" | grep -qF \"\\\"debian-12\\\"\"; then\
             \n            echo \"A package failed and has been disabled for CI using the 'x-ci-accept-failures' field.\";\
             \n          fi;\
             \n          test \"$pkg\" != 'conf-pkg-config.1.2' && partial_fails=\"$partial_fails $pkg\";\
             \n        done;\
             \n        test \"${partial_fails}\" != \"\" && echo \"opam-repo-ci detected dependencies failing: ${partial_fails}\";\
             \n        exit 1"))
 (env OPAMCRITERIA -removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed)
 (env OPAMFIXUPCRITERIA -removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed)
 (env OPAMUPGRADECRITERIA -removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed)
 (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
      (network host)
      (shell  "opam reinstall conan.0.0.4;\
             \n        res=$?;\
             \n        test \"$res\" != 31 && exit \"$res\";\
             \n        export OPAMCLI=2.0;\
             \n        build_dir=$(opam var prefix)/.opam-switch/build;\
             \n        failed=$(ls \"$build_dir\");\
             \n        partial_fails=\"\";\
             \n        for pkg in $failed; do\
             \n          if opam show -f x-ci-accept-failures: \"$pkg\" | grep -qF \"\\\"debian-12\\\"\"; then\
             \n            echo \"A package failed and has been disabled for CI using the 'x-ci-accept-failures' field.\";\
             \n          fi;\
             \n          test \"$pkg\" != 'conan.0.0.4' && partial_fails=\"$partial_fails $pkg\";\
             \n        done;\
             \n        test \"${partial_fails}\" != \"\" && echo \"opam-repo-ci detected dependencies failing: ${partial_fails}\";\
             \n        exit 1"))
 (env OPAMCRITERIA -removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed)
 (env OPAMFIXUPCRITERIA -removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed)
 (env OPAMUPGRADECRITERIA -removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed)
 (run (network host)
      (shell "(opam reinstall --with-test conan.0.0.4) || true"))
 (run (shell  "opam reinstall --with-test --verbose conan.0.0.4;\
             \n        res=$?;\
             \n        test \"$res\" != 31 && exit \"$res\";\
             \n        export OPAMCLI=2.0;\
             \n        build_dir=$(opam var prefix)/.opam-switch/build;\
             \n        failed=$(ls \"$build_dir\");\
             \n        partial_fails=\"\";\
             \n        for pkg in $failed; do\
             \n          if opam show -f x-ci-accept-failures: \"$pkg\" | grep -qF \"\\\"debian-12\\\"\"; then\
             \n            echo \"A package failed and has been disabled for CI using the 'x-ci-accept-failures' field.\";\
             \n          fi;\
             \n          test \"$pkg\" != 'conan.0.0.4' && partial_fails=\"$partial_fails $pkg\";\
             \n        done;\
             \n        test \"${partial_fails}\" != \"\" && echo \"opam-repo-ci detected dependencies failing: ${partial_fails}\";\
             \n        exit 1"))

2024-02-11 20:23.48: Waiting for resource in pool OCluster
2024-02-12 19:27.48: Waiting for worker…
2024-02-12 19:29.24: Got resource from pool OCluster
Building on phoebe.caelum.ci.dev
All commits already cached
Updating files:  70% (23058/32918)
Updating files:  71% (23372/32918)
Updating files:  72% (23701/32918)
Updating files:  73% (24031/32918)
Updating files:  74% (24360/32918)
Updating files:  75% (24689/32918)
Updating files:  76% (25018/32918)
Updating files:  77% (25347/32918)
Updating files:  78% (25677/32918)
Updating files:  79% (26006/32918)
Updating files:  80% (26335/32918)
Updating files:  81% (26664/32918)
Updating files:  82% (26993/32918)
Updating files:  83% (27322/32918)
Updating files:  84% (27652/32918)
Updating files:  85% (27981/32918)
Updating files:  86% (28310/32918)
Updating files:  87% (28639/32918)
Updating files:  88% (28968/32918)
Updating files:  89% (29298/32918)
Updating files:  90% (29627/32918)
Updating files:  91% (29956/32918)
Updating files:  92% (30285/32918)
Updating files:  93% (30614/32918)
Updating files:  94% (30943/32918)
Updating files:  95% (31273/32918)
Updating files:  96% (31602/32918)
Updating files:  97% (31931/32918)
Updating files:  98% (32260/32918)
Updating files:  99% (32589/32918)
Updating files: 100% (32918/32918)
Updating files: 100% (32918/32918), done.
HEAD is now at 8477e9a74b Merge pull request #25221 from nberth/mlgmpidl-1.3.0
Updating 8477e9a74b..8c7391d6ec
 packages/conf-pkg-config/conf-pkg-config.1.0/opam | 2 +-
 packages/conf-pkg-config/conf-pkg-config.1.1/opam | 1 +
 packages/conf-pkg-config/conf-pkg-config.1.2/opam | 1 +
 packages/conf-pkg-config/conf-pkg-config.1.3/opam | 1 +
 packages/conf-pkg-config/conf-pkg-config.2/opam   | 1 +
 packages/conf-pkg-config/conf-pkg-config.3/opam   | 4 +++-
 6 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

(from ocaml/opam:debian-12-ocaml-5.1@sha256:931805f2c2fdb0b5642ae8463ff0780c2ee3f4afb48734a7d94e2d5163429930)
2024-02-12 19:30.40 ---> using "4df7ce52b8e0afe130cbfff7d9b001e43cae58bd8e8710cd073ce7c11b1c6ac8" from cache

/: (user (uid 1000) (gid 1000))

/: (workdir /home/opam)

/home/opam: (run (shell "sudo ln -f /usr/bin/opam-dev /usr/bin/opam"))
2024-02-12 19:30.40 ---> using "2ee14a5dbb7aa54ab1dfa5adba4422c5a5483941525d4174e8eeed0c4c5e97aa" from cache

/home/opam: (run (network host)
                 (shell "opam init --reinit --config .opamrc-sandbox -ni"))
Configuring from /home/opam/.opamrc-sandbox, then /home/opam/.opamrc, and finally from built-in defaults.
Checking for available remotes: rsync and local, git.
  - you won't be able to use mercurial repositories unless you install the hg command on your system.
  - you won't be able to use darcs repositories unless you install the darcs command on your system.

This development version of opam requires an update to the layout of /home/opam/.opam from version 2.0 to version 2.2~alpha, which can't be reverted.
You may want to back it up before going further.

Continue? [y/n] y
Format upgrade done.

<><> Updating repositories ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[default] synchronised from file:///home/opam/opam-repository
2024-02-12 19:30.40 ---> using "d58131e4d084860f74dbebecfc9a35ebb7fbb42cf58093b5ac6cf0adf11ed898" from cache

/home/opam: (env OPAMDOWNLOADJOBS 1)

/home/opam: (env OPAMERRLOGLEN 0)

/home/opam: (env OPAMSOLVERTIMEOUT 500)

/home/opam: (env OPAMPRECISETRACKING 1)

/home/opam: (env CI true)

/home/opam: (env OPAM_REPO_CI true)

/home/opam: (run (shell "rm -rf opam-repository/"))
2024-02-12 19:30.40 ---> using "e76676ee91f5598b65d18de047738848e5af056a75e3436903dc82ff5702c5a6" from cache

/home/opam: (copy (src .) (dst opam-repository/))
2024-02-12 19:30.42 ---> using "00dcf922e87fec2f8ccdd0b44355d41faed143c596db4bfe8812d0e9c5f33f02" from cache

/home/opam: (run (shell "opam repository set-url --strict default opam-repository/"))
[default] Initialised
2024-02-12 19:30.42 ---> using "d6c8604b98b9d01914259989eafdfad7780b6c9f761a469dfe3162a56ba73510" from cache

/home/opam: (run (network host)
                 (shell "opam update --depexts || true"))
+ /usr/bin/sudo "apt-get" "update"
- Get:1 http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm InRelease [151 kB]
- Get:2 http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm-updates InRelease [52.1 kB]
- Get:3 http://deb.debian.org/debian-security bookworm-security InRelease [48.0 kB]
- Get:4 http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 Packages [8786 kB]
- Get:5 http://deb.debian.org/debian-security bookworm-security/main amd64 Packages [137 kB]
- Fetched 9175 kB in 3s (3413 kB/s)
- Reading package lists...
2024-02-12 19:30.42 ---> using "6245d7929b862e6b37f451133c05d21883283d0248743f67197f2e424fe52d69" from cache

/home/opam: (env OPAMCRITERIA -removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed)

/home/opam: (env OPAMFIXUPCRITERIA -removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed)

/home/opam: (env OPAMUPGRADECRITERIA -removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed)

/home/opam: (run (shell "opam pin add -k version -yn conf-pkg-config.1.2 1.2"))
conf-pkg-config is now pinned to version 1.2
2024-02-12 19:30.42 ---> using "8c93380d2ff9f8574e0d694d02b593f1bcffc4ad4341b85941c7abc0f7411957" from cache

/home/opam: (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
                 (network host)
                 (shell  "opam reinstall conf-pkg-config.1.2;\
                        \n        res=$?;\
                        \n        test \"$res\" != 31 && exit \"$res\";\
                        \n        export OPAMCLI=2.0;\
                        \n        build_dir=$(opam var prefix)/.opam-switch/build;\
                        \n        failed=$(ls \"$build_dir\");\
                        \n        partial_fails=\"\";\
                        \n        for pkg in $failed; do\
                        \n          if opam show -f x-ci-accept-failures: \"$pkg\" | grep -qF \"\\\"debian-12\\\"\"; then\
                        \n            echo \"A package failed and has been disabled for CI using the 'x-ci-accept-failures' field.\";\
                        \n          fi;\
                        \n          test \"$pkg\" != 'conf-pkg-config.1.2' && partial_fails=\"$partial_fails $pkg\";\
                        \n        done;\
                        \n        test \"${partial_fails}\" != \"\" && echo \"opam-repo-ci detected dependencies failing: ${partial_fails}\";\
                        \n        exit 1"))
conf-pkg-config.1.2 is not installed. Install it? [y/n] y
The following actions will be performed:
=== install 1 package
  - install conf-pkg-config 1.2 (pinned)

The following system packages will first need to be installed:

<><> Handling external dependencies <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

opam believes some required external dependencies are missing. opam can:
> 1. Run apt-get to install them (may need root/sudo access)
  2. Display the recommended apt-get command and wait while you run it manually (e.g. in another terminal)
  3. Continue anyway, and, upon success, permanently register that this external dependency is present, but not detectable
  4. Abort the installation

[1/2/3/4] 1

+ /usr/bin/sudo "apt-get" "install" "-qq" "-yy" "pkg-config"
- debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed
- Selecting previously unselected package libpkgconf3:amd64.
- (Reading database ... 
(Reading database ... 5%
(Reading database ... 10%
(Reading database ... 15%
(Reading database ... 20%
(Reading database ... 25%
(Reading database ... 30%
(Reading database ... 35%
(Reading database ... 40%
(Reading database ... 45%
(Reading database ... 50%
(Reading database ... 55%
(Reading database ... 60%
(Reading database ... 65%
(Reading database ... 70%
(Reading database ... 75%
(Reading database ... 80%
(Reading database ... 85%
(Reading database ... 90%
(Reading database ... 95%
(Reading database ... 100%
(Reading database ... 18774 files and directories currently installed.)
- Preparing to unpack .../libpkgconf3_1.8.1-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking libpkgconf3:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package pkgconf-bin.
- Preparing to unpack .../pkgconf-bin_1.8.1-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking pkgconf-bin (1.8.1-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package pkgconf:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../pkgconf_1.8.1-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking pkgconf:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
- Selecting previously unselected package pkg-config:amd64.
- Preparing to unpack .../pkg-config_1.8.1-1_amd64.deb ...
- Unpacking pkg-config:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
- Setting up libpkgconf3:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
- Setting up pkgconf-bin (1.8.1-1) ...
- Setting up pkgconf:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
- Setting up pkg-config:amd64 (1.8.1-1) ...
- Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.36-9+deb12u4) ...

<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
-> installed conf-pkg-config.1.2
# Run eval $(opam env) to update the current shell environment
2024-02-12 19:30.42 ---> using "5e9c2e7cd37deee211329af698b5958f49f052be907d8360c30cbb9696858e09" from cache

/home/opam: (env OPAMCRITERIA -removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed)

/home/opam: (env OPAMFIXUPCRITERIA -removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed)

/home/opam: (env OPAMUPGRADECRITERIA -removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed)

/home/opam: (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
                 (network host)
                 (shell  "opam reinstall conan.0.0.4;\
                        \n        res=$?;\
                        \n        test \"$res\" != 31 && exit \"$res\";\
                        \n        export OPAMCLI=2.0;\
                        \n        build_dir=$(opam var prefix)/.opam-switch/build;\
                        \n        failed=$(ls \"$build_dir\");\
                        \n        partial_fails=\"\";\
                        \n        for pkg in $failed; do\
                        \n          if opam show -f x-ci-accept-failures: \"$pkg\" | grep -qF \"\\\"debian-12\\\"\"; then\
                        \n            echo \"A package failed and has been disabled for CI using the 'x-ci-accept-failures' field.\";\
                        \n          fi;\
                        \n          test \"$pkg\" != 'conan.0.0.4' && partial_fails=\"$partial_fails $pkg\";\
                        \n        done;\
                        \n        test \"${partial_fails}\" != \"\" && echo \"opam-repo-ci detected dependencies failing: ${partial_fails}\";\
                        \n        exit 1"))
conan.0.0.4 is not installed. Install it? [y/n] y
The following actions will be performed:
=== install 9 packages
  - install conan      0.0.4
  - install dune       3.13.1 [required by conan]
  - install ocamlbuild 0.14.3 [required by ptime, uutf]
  - install ocamlfind  1.9.6  [required by ptime, uutf]
  - install ptime      1.1.0  [required by conan]
  - install re         1.10.4 [required by conan]
  - install seq        base   [required by re]
  - install topkg      1.0.7  [required by ptime, uutf]
  - install uutf       1.0.3  [required by conan]

<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
-> retrieved conan.0.0.4  (cached)
-> retrieved dune.3.13.1  (cached)
-> retrieved ocamlbuild.0.14.3  (cached)
-> retrieved ocamlfind.1.9.6  (cached)
-> retrieved ptime.1.1.0  (cached)
-> retrieved re.1.10.4  (cached)
-> installed seq.base
-> retrieved topkg.1.0.7  (cached)
-> retrieved uutf.1.0.3  (cached)
-> installed ocamlfind.1.9.6
-> installed ocamlbuild.0.14.3
-> installed topkg.1.0.7
-> installed uutf.1.0.3
-> installed ptime.1.1.0
-> installed dune.3.13.1
-> installed re.1.10.4
-> installed conan.0.0.4
# Run eval $(opam env) to update the current shell environment
2024-02-12 19:31.28 ---> saved as "0ecf6d9c1e8bd052e625bfa65e6e894c2cc4fa610286b804f9d6c4f03540d9bc"

/home/opam: (env OPAMCRITERIA -removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed)

/home/opam: (env OPAMFIXUPCRITERIA -removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed)

/home/opam: (env OPAMUPGRADECRITERIA -removed,-count[avoid-version,changed],-count[version-lag,request],-count[version-lag,changed],-count[missing-depexts,changed],-changed)

/home/opam: (run (network host)
                 (shell "(opam reinstall --with-test conan.0.0.4) || true"))
The following actions will be performed:
=== recompile 2 packages
  - recompile conan               0.0.4
  - recompile uutf                1.0.3  [uses cmdliner]
=== install 58 packages
  - install   afl-persistent      1.4    [required by crowbar]
  - install   alcotest            1.7.0  [required by conan]
  - install   angstrom            0.16.0 [required by emile, uri]
  - install   astring             0.8.5  [required by alcotest, mirage]
  - install   base-bytes          base   [required by ocplib-endian]
  - install   base64              3.5.1  [required by emile]
  - install   bigstringaf         0.9.1  [required by emile]
  - install   bos                 0.2.1  [required by mirage]
  - install   cmdliner            1.2.0  [required by crowbar, alcotest, mirage-logs]
  - install   cppo                1.6.9  [required by ocplib-endian]
  - install   crowbar             0.2.1  [required by conan]
  - install   csexp               1.5.2  [required by dune-configurator]
  - install   cstruct             6.2.0  [required by mirage-console-unix]
  - install   cstruct-lwt         6.2.0  [required by mirage-console-unix]
  - install   domain-name         0.4.0  [required by ipaddr]
  - install   dune-configurator   3.13.1 [required by mirage-clock-unix]
  - install   duration            0.2.1  [required by mirage-unix]
  - install   emile               1.1    [required by functoria]
  - install   fmt                 0.9.0  [required by conan]
  - install   fpath               0.7.3  [required by bos, functoria]
  - install   functoria           4.4.1  [required by mirage]
  - install   functoria-runtime   4.4.1  [required by mirage-runtime]
  - install   ipaddr              5.5.0  [required by mirage]
  - install   logs                0.7.0  [required by mirage, mirage-logs]
  - install   lwt                 5.7.0  [required by mirage-console-unix, mirage-bootvar-unix, mirage-unix]
  - install   macaddr             5.5.0  [required by mirage-net, mirage-protocols]
  - install   mirage              4.4.1  [required by conan]
  - install   mirage-block        3.0.2  [required by mirage-types]
  - install   mirage-bootvar-unix 0.1.0  [required by conan]
  - install   mirage-channel      4.1.0  [required by mirage-types]
  - install   mirage-clock        4.2.0  [required by mirage-logs, mirage-clock-unix, mirage-types]
  - install   mirage-clock-unix   4.2.0  [required by conan]
  - install   mirage-console      5.1.0  [required by mirage-console-unix, mirage-types]
  - install   mirage-console-unix 5.1.0  [required by conan]
  - install   mirage-device       2.0.0  [required by mirage-types]
  - install   mirage-flow         3.0.0  [required by mirage-types]
  - install   mirage-fs           4.0.0  [required by mirage-types]
  - install   mirage-kv           4.0.1  [required by mirage-types]
  - install   mirage-logs         2.1.0  [required by conan]
  - install   mirage-net          4.0.0  [required by mirage-types]
  - install   mirage-protocols    7.0.0  [required by mirage-types]
  - install   mirage-random       3.0.0  [required by mirage-types]
  - install   mirage-runtime      4.4.1  [required by conan]
  - install   mirage-stack        3.0.0  [required by mirage-types]
  - install   mirage-time         3.0.0  [required by mirage-types]
  - install   mirage-types        3.10.8 [required by conan]
  - install   mirage-types-lwt    3.10.8 [required by conan]
  - install   mirage-unix         5.0.1  [required by conan]
  - install   ocaml-syntax-shims  1.0.0  [required by alcotest]
  - install   ocplib-endian       1.2    [required by crowbar]
  - install   opam-monorepo       0.4.0  [required by mirage]
  - install   parse-argv          0.3.0  [required by mirage-bootvar-unix]
  - install   pecu                0.6    [required by emile]
  - install   result              1.5    [required by functoria]
  - install   rresult             0.7.0  [required by conan]
  - install   stdlib-shims        0.3.0  [required by alcotest]
  - install   stringext           1.6.0  [required by uri]
  - install   uri                 4.4.0  [required by functoria]

<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
-> retrieved afl-persistent.1.4  (https://github.com/stedolan/ocaml-afl-persistent/archive/refs/tags/v1.4.tar.gz)
-> installed afl-persistent.1.4
-> retrieved alcotest.1.7.0  (https://github.com/mirage/alcotest/releases/download/1.7.0/alcotest-1.7.0.tbz)
-> retrieved angstrom.0.16.0  (https://github.com/inhabitedtype/angstrom/archive/0.16.0.tar.gz)
-> retrieved astring.0.8.5  (https://erratique.ch/software/astring/releases/astring-0.8.5.tbz)
-> installed base-bytes.base
-> retrieved base64.3.5.1  (https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-base64/releases/download/v3.5.1/base64-3.5.1.tbz)
-> retrieved bigstringaf.0.9.1  (https://github.com/inhabitedtype/bigstringaf/archive/0.9.1.tar.gz)
-> retrieved bos.0.2.1  (https://erratique.ch/software/bos/releases/bos-0.2.1.tbz)
-> installed base64.3.5.1
-> retrieved cmdliner.1.2.0  (https://erratique.ch/software/cmdliner/releases/cmdliner-1.2.0.tbz)
-> installed astring.0.8.5
-> retrieved conan.0.0.4  (https://github.com/mirage/conan/releases/download/v0.0.4/conan-0.0.4.tbz)
-> retrieved cppo.1.6.9  (https://github.com/ocaml-community/cppo/archive/v1.6.9.tar.gz)
-> retrieved crowbar.0.2.1  (https://github.com/stedolan/crowbar/archive/v0.2.1.tar.gz)
-> retrieved csexp.1.5.2  (https://github.com/ocaml-dune/csexp/releases/download/1.5.2/csexp-1.5.2.tbz)
-> installed csexp.1.5.2
-> installed cppo.1.6.9
-> retrieved cstruct.6.2.0, cstruct-lwt.6.2.0  (https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-cstruct/releases/download/v6.2.0/cstruct-6.2.0.tbz)
-> retrieved domain-name.0.4.0  (https://github.com/hannesm/domain-name/releases/download/v0.4.0/domain-name-0.4.0.tbz)
-> installed cmdliner.1.2.0
-> installed domain-name.0.4.0
-> retrieved dune-configurator.3.13.1  (https://github.com/ocaml/dune/releases/download/3.13.1/dune-3.13.1.tbz)
-> retrieved duration.0.2.1  (https://github.com/hannesm/duration/releases/download/v0.2.1/duration-0.2.1.tbz)
-> installed duration.0.2.1
-> retrieved emile.1.1  (https://github.com/dinosaure/emile/releases/download/v1.1/emile-v1.1.tbz)
-> retrieved fmt.0.9.0  (https://erratique.ch/software/fmt/releases/fmt-0.9.0.tbz)
-> retrieved fpath.0.7.3  (https://erratique.ch/software/fpath/releases/fpath-0.7.3.tbz)
-> retrieved functoria.4.4.1, functoria-runtime.4.4.1, mirage.4.4.1, mirage-runtime.4.4.1  (https://github.com/mirage/mirage/releases/download/v4.4.1/mirage-4.4.1.tbz)
-> installed dune-configurator.3.13.1
-> installed fpath.0.7.3
-> installed functoria-runtime.4.4.1
-> retrieved ipaddr.5.5.0, macaddr.5.5.0  (https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-ipaddr/releases/download/v5.5.0/ipaddr-5.5.0.tbz)
-> installed fmt.0.9.0
-> retrieved logs.0.7.0  (https://erratique.ch/software/logs/releases/logs-0.7.0.tbz)
-> installed bigstringaf.0.9.1
-> installed macaddr.5.5.0
-> retrieved lwt.5.7.0  (https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt/archive/refs/tags/5.7.0.tar.gz)
-> installed cstruct.6.2.0
-> installed ipaddr.5.5.0
-> retrieved mirage-block.3.0.2  (https://github.com/mirage/mirage-block/releases/download/v3.0.2/mirage-block-3.0.2.tbz)
-> retrieved mirage-bootvar-unix.0.1.0  (https://github.com/mirage/mirage-bootvar-unix/releases/download/0.1.0/mirage-bootvar-unix-0.1.0.tbz)
-> retrieved mirage-channel.4.1.0  (https://github.com/mirage/mirage-channel/releases/download/v4.1.0/mirage-channel-4.1.0.tbz)
-> retrieved mirage-clock.4.2.0, mirage-clock-unix.4.2.0  (https://github.com/mirage/mirage-clock/releases/download/v4.2.0/mirage-clock-4.2.0.tbz)
-> installed mirage-clock.4.2.0
-> retrieved mirage-console.5.1.0, mirage-console-unix.5.1.0  (https://github.com/mirage/mirage-console/releases/download/v5.1.0/mirage-console-5.1.0.tbz)
-> installed mirage-clock-unix.4.2.0
-> retrieved mirage-device.2.0.0  (https://github.com/mirage/mirage-device/releases/download/v2.0.0/mirage-device-v2.0.0.tbz)
-> retrieved mirage-flow.3.0.0  (https://github.com/mirage/mirage-flow/releases/download/v3.0.0/mirage-flow-v3.0.0.tbz)
-> retrieved mirage-fs.4.0.0  (https://github.com/mirage/mirage-fs/releases/download/v4.0.0/mirage-fs-v4.0.0.tbz)
-> retrieved mirage-kv.4.0.1  (https://github.com/mirage/mirage-kv/releases/download/v4.0.1/mirage-kv-4.0.1.tbz)
-> retrieved mirage-logs.2.1.0  (https://github.com/mirage/mirage-logs/releases/download/v2.1.0/mirage-logs-2.1.0.tbz)
-> retrieved mirage-net.4.0.0  (https://github.com/mirage/mirage-net/releases/download/v4.0.0/mirage-net-v4.0.0.tbz)
-> retrieved mirage-protocols.7.0.0  (https://github.com/mirage/mirage-protocols/releases/download/v7.0.0/mirage-protocols-v7.0.0.tbz)
-> retrieved mirage-random.3.0.0  (https://github.com/mirage/mirage-random/releases/download/v3.0.0/mirage-random-v3.0.0.tbz)
-> installed mirage-random.3.0.0
-> retrieved mirage-stack.3.0.0  (https://github.com/mirage/mirage-stack/releases/download/v3.0.0/mirage-stack-v3.0.0.tbz)
-> retrieved mirage-time.3.0.0  (https://github.com/mirage/mirage-time/releases/download/v3.0.0/mirage-time-v3.0.0.tbz)
-> retrieved mirage-types.3.10.8, mirage-types-lwt.3.10.8  (https://github.com/mirage/mirage/releases/download/v3.10.8/mirage-v3.10.8.tbz)
-> retrieved mirage-unix.5.0.1  (https://github.com/mirage/mirage-unix/releases/download/v5.0.1/mirage-unix-5.0.1.tbz)
-> retrieved ocaml-syntax-shims.1.0.0  (https://github.com/ocaml-ppx/ocaml-syntax-shims/releases/download/1.0.0/ocaml-syntax-shims-1.0.0.tbz)
-> retrieved ocplib-endian.1.2  (https://github.com/OCamlPro/ocplib-endian/archive/refs/tags/1.2.tar.gz)
-> installed ocplib-endian.1.2
-> installed ocaml-syntax-shims.1.0.0
-> installed crowbar.0.2.1
-> installed angstrom.0.16.0
-> retrieved opam-monorepo.0.4.0  (https://github.com/tarides/opam-monorepo/releases/download/0.4.0/opam-monorepo-0.4.0.tbz)
-> installed lwt.5.7.0
-> retrieved parse-argv.0.3.0  (https://github.com/mirage/parse-argv/releases/download/v0.3.0/parse-argv-0.3.0.tbz)
-> installed mirage-time.3.0.0
-> installed mirage-flow.3.0.0
-> installed cstruct-lwt.6.2.0
-> installed mirage-block.3.0.2
-> installed mirage-device.2.0.0
-> installed mirage-net.4.0.0
-> installed mirage-kv.4.0.1
-> installed parse-argv.0.3.0
-> retrieved pecu.0.6  (https://github.com/mirage/pecu/releases/download/v0.6/pecu-v0.6.tbz)
-> installed mirage-console.5.1.0
-> installed mirage-protocols.7.0.0
-> installed mirage-fs.4.0.0
-> installed mirage-bootvar-unix.0.1.0
-> installed pecu.0.6
-> installed mirage-console-unix.5.1.0
-> installed mirage-stack.3.0.0
-> retrieved result.1.5  (https://github.com/janestreet/result/releases/download/1.5/result-1.5.tbz)
-> retrieved rresult.0.7.0  (https://erratique.ch/software/rresult/releases/rresult-0.7.0.tbz)
-> installed result.1.5
-> retrieved stdlib-shims.0.3.0  (https://github.com/ocaml/stdlib-shims/releases/download/0.3.0/stdlib-shims-0.3.0.tbz)
-> installed stdlib-shims.0.3.0
-> installed rresult.0.7.0
-> retrieved stringext.1.6.0  (https://github.com/rgrinberg/stringext/releases/download/1.6.0/stringext-1.6.0.tbz)
-> installed logs.0.7.0
-> installed stringext.1.6.0
-> installed mirage-logs.2.1.0
-> installed mirage-runtime.4.4.1
-> retrieved uri.4.4.0  (https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-uri/releases/download/v4.4.0/uri-4.4.0.tbz)
-> installed mirage-channel.4.1.0
-> retrieved uutf.1.0.3  (https://erratique.ch/software/uutf/releases/uutf-1.0.3.tbz)
-> installed mirage-types.3.10.8
-> installed mirage-unix.5.0.1
-> installed mirage-types-lwt.3.10.8
-> installed uri.4.4.0
-> installed bos.0.2.1
-> removed   conan.0.0.4
-> removed   uutf.1.0.3
-> installed opam-monorepo.0.4.0
-> installed uutf.1.0.3
-> installed emile.1.1
-> installed alcotest.1.7.0
-> installed functoria.4.4.1
-> installed mirage.4.4.1
-> installed conan.0.0.4

<><> mirage-types-lwt.3.10.8 installed successfully <><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
=> This package will be retired in MirageOS 4.0. Please use individual signatures (mirage-net / mirage-clock / etc.) instead.

<><> mirage-types.3.10.8 installed successfully <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
=> This package will be retired in MirageOS 4.0. Please use individual signatures (mirage-net / mirage-clock / etc.) instead.

<><> mirage-fs.4.0.0 installed successfully <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
=> This package will be retired in MirageOS 4.0. Please use mirage-kv instead.

<><> afl-persistent.1.4 installed successfully ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
=> afl-persistent is installed, but since the current OCaml compiler does
   not enable AFL instrumentation by default, most packages will not be
   instrumented and fuzzing with afl-fuzz may not be effective.

   To globally enable AFL instrumentation, create an OCaml switch like:

     opam switch create 5.1.1+afl ocaml-variants.5.1.1+options ocaml-option-afl
# Run eval $(opam env) to update the current shell environment
2024-02-12 19:34.36 ---> saved as "391721fcf8bd4513ca2588ba50c15928e929f208fb45e98d80e05b779239e695"

/home/opam: (run (shell  "opam reinstall --with-test --verbose conan.0.0.4;\
                        \n        res=$?;\
                        \n        test \"$res\" != 31 && exit \"$res\";\
                        \n        export OPAMCLI=2.0;\
                        \n        build_dir=$(opam var prefix)/.opam-switch/build;\
                        \n        failed=$(ls \"$build_dir\");\
                        \n        partial_fails=\"\";\
                        \n        for pkg in $failed; do\
                        \n          if opam show -f x-ci-accept-failures: \"$pkg\" | grep -qF \"\\\"debian-12\\\"\"; then\
                        \n            echo \"A package failed and has been disabled for CI using the 'x-ci-accept-failures' field.\";\
                        \n          fi;\
                        \n          test \"$pkg\" != 'conan.0.0.4' && partial_fails=\"$partial_fails $pkg\";\
                        \n        done;\
                        \n        test \"${partial_fails}\" != \"\" && echo \"opam-repo-ci detected dependencies failing: ${partial_fails}\";\
                        \n        exit 1"))
The following actions will be performed:
=== recompile 1 package
  - recompile conan 0.0.4

<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
Processing  1/4:
-> retrieved conan.0.0.4  (cached)
Processing  2/4: [conan: dune build]
+ /home/opam/.opam/opam-init/hooks/sandbox.sh "build" "dune" "build" "-p" "conan" "-j" "71" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/5.1/.opam-switch/build/conan.0.0.4)
Processing  2/4: [conan: dune install]
+ /home/opam/.opam/opam-init/hooks/sandbox.sh "build" "dune" "install" "-p" "conan" "--create-install-files" "conan" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/5.1/.opam-switch/build/conan.0.0.4)
Processing  2/4: [conan: dune runtest]
+ /home/opam/.opam/opam-init/hooks/sandbox.sh "build" "dune" "runtest" "-p" "conan" "-j" "71" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/5.1/.opam-switch/build/conan.0.0.4)
- (cd _build/default/test && ./test_file.exe --color=always)
- Testing `file'.
- This run has ID `PZ39M1VV'.
-   [OK]          simple          0   test00.
-   [OK]          simple          1   test01.
-   [OK]          simple          2   test02 (odd/even).
-   [OK]          simple          3   test03 (odd/even).
-   [OK]          simple          4   test04 (odd/even).
-   [OK]          simple          5   test05 (odd/even).
-   [OK]          simple          6   test06 (zlib).
-   [OK]          simple          7   test07 (caml).
-   [OK]          simple          8   test08 (gzip).
- Full test results in `~/.opam/5.1/.opam-switch/build/conan.0.0.4/_build/default/test/_build/_tests/file'.
- Test Successful in 0.001s. 9 tests run.
- (cd _build/default/test && ./test_parser.exe --color=always)
- Testing `conan'.
- This run has ID `JOPJF7LG'.
-   [OK]          parser          0   acorn.
-   [OK]          parser          1   adi.
-   [OK]          parser          2   adventure.
-   [OK]          parser          3   algol68.
-   [OK]          parser          4   allegro.
-   [OK]          parser          5   alliant.
-   [OK]          parser          6   alpha.
-   [OK]          parser          7   amanda.
-   [OK]          parser          8   amigaos.
-   [OK]          parser          9   android.
-   [OK]          parser         10   animation.
-   [OK]          parser         11   aout.
-   [OK]          parser         12   apache.
-   [OK]          parser         13   apl.
-   [OK]          parser         14   apple.
-   [OK]          parser         15   application.
-   [OK]          parser         16   applix.
-   [OK]          parser         17   apt.
-   [OK]          parser         18   archive.
-   [OK]          parser         19   asf.
-   [OK]          parser         20   assembler.
-   [OK]          parser         21   asterix.
-   [OK]          parser         22   att3b.
-   [OK]          parser         23   audio.
-   [OK]          parser         24   basis.
-   [OK]          parser         25   beetle.
-   [OK]          parser         26   ber.
-   [OK]          parser         27   bflt.
-   [OK]          parser         28   bhl.
-   [OK]          parser         29   bioinformatics.
-   [OK]          parser         30   biosig.
-   [OK]          parser         31   blackberry.
-   [OK]          parser         32   blcr.
-   [OK]          parser         33   blender.
-   [OK]          parser         34   blit.
-   [OK]          parser         35   bout.
-   [OK]          parser         36   bsdi.
-   [OK]          parser         37   bsi.
-   [OK]          parser         38   btsnoop.
-   [OK]          parser         39   c64.
-   [OK]          parser         40   cad.
-   [OK]          parser         41   cafebabe.
-   [OK]          parser         42   cbor.
-   [OK]          parser         43   cddb.
-   [OK]          parser         44   chord.
-   [OK]          parser         45   cisco.
-   [OK]          parser         46   citrus.
-   [OK]          parser         47   c-lang.
-   [OK]          parser         48   clarion.
-   [OK]          parser         49   claris.
-   [OK]          parser         50   clipper.
-   [OK]          parser         51   clojure.
-   [OK]          parser         52   coff.
-   [OK]          parser         53   commands.
-   [OK]          parser         54   communications.
-   [OK]          parser         55   compress.
-   [OK]          parser         56   console.
-   [OK]          parser         57   convex.
-   [OK]          parser         58   coverage.
-   [OK]          parser         59   cracklib.
-   [OK]          parser         60   ctags.
-   [OK]          parser         61   ctf.
-   [OK]          parser         62   cubemap.
-   [OK]          parser         63   cups.
-   [OK]          parser         64   dact.
-   [OK]          parser         65   database.
-   [OK]          parser         66   dataone.
-   [OK]          parser         67   dbpf.
-   [OK]          parser         68   diamond.
-   [OK]          parser         69   diff.
-   [OK]          parser         70   digital.
-   [OK]          parser         71   dolby.
-   [OK]          parser         72   dump.
-   [OK]          parser         73   dyadic.
-   [OK]          parser         74   ebml.
-   [OK]          parser         75   edid.
-   [OK]          parser         76   editors.
-   [OK]          parser         77   efi.
-   [OK]          parser         78   elf.
-   [OK]          parser         79   encore.
-   [OK]          parser         80   epoc.
-   [OK]          parser         81   erlang.
-   [OK]          parser         82   espressif.
-   [OK]          parser         83   esri.
-   [OK]          parser         84   etf.
-   [OK]          parser         85   fcs.
-   [OK]          parser         86   filesystems.
-   [OK]          parser         87   finger.
-   [OK]          parser         88   flash.
-   [OK]          parser         89   flif.
-   [OK]          parser         90   fonts.
-   [OK]          parser         91   forth.
-   [OK]          parser         92   fortran.
-   [OK]          parser         93   frame.
-   [OK]          parser         94   freebsd.
-   [OK]          parser         95   fsav.
-   [OK]          parser         96   fusecompress.
-   [OK]          parser         97   games.
-   [OK]          parser         98   gcc.
-   [OK]          parser         99   gconv.
-   [OK]          parser        100   geo.
-   [OK]          parser        101   geos.
-   [OK]          parser        102   gimp.
-   [OK]          parser        103   git.
-   [OK]          parser        104   glibc.
-   [OK]          parser        105   gnome.
-   [OK]          parser        106   gnu.
-   [OK]          parser        107   gnumeric.
-   [OK]          parser        108   gpt.
-   [OK]          parser        109   gpu.
-   [OK]          parser        110   grace.
-   [OK]          parser        111   graphviz.
-   [OK]          parser        112   gringotts.
-   [OK]          parser        113   guile.
-   [OK]          parser        114   hardware.
-   [OK]          parser        115   hitachi-sh.
-   [OK]          parser        116   hp.
-   [OK]          parser        117   human68k.
-   [OK]          parser        118   ibm370.
-   [OK]          parser        119   ibm6000.
-   [OK]          parser        120   icc.
-   [OK]          parser        121   iff.
-   [OK]          parser        122   images.
-   [OK]          parser        123   inform.
-   [OK]          parser        124   intel.
-   [OK]          parser        125   interleaf.
-   [OK]          parser        126   island.
-   [OK]          parser        127   ispell.
-   [OK]          parser        128   isz.
-   [OK]          parser        129   java.
-   [OK]          parser        130   javascript.
-   [OK]          parser        131   jpeg.
-   [OK]          parser        132   karma.
-   [OK]          parser        133   kde.
-   [OK]          parser        134   keepass.
-   [OK]          parser        135   kerberos.
-   [OK]          parser        136   kicad.
-   [OK]          parser        137   kml.
-   [OK]          parser        138   lecter.
-   [OK]          parser        139   lex.
-   [OK]          parser        140   lif.
-   [OK]          parser        141   linux.
-   [OK]          parser        142   lisp.
-   [OK]          parser        143   llvm.
-   [OK]          parser        144   lua.
-   [OK]          parser        145   luks.
-   [OK]          parser        146   m4.
-   [OK]          parser        147   mach.
-   [OK]          parser        148   macintosh.
-   [OK]          parser        149   macos.
-   [OK]          parser        150   magic.
-   [OK]          parser        151   mail.news.
-   [OK]          parser        152   make.
-   [OK]          parser        153   map.
-   [OK]          parser        154   maple.
-   [OK]          parser        155   marc21.
-   [OK]          parser        156   mathcad.
-   [OK]          parser        157   mathematica.
-   [OK]          parser        158   matroska.
-   [OK]          parser        159   mcrypt.
-   [OK]          parser        160   measure.
-   [OK]          parser        161   mercurial.
-   [OK]          parser        162   metastore.
-   [OK]          parser        163   meteorological.
-   [OK]          parser        164   microfocus.
-   [OK]          parser        165   mime.
-   [OK]          parser        166   mips.
-   [OK]          parser        167   mirage.
-   [OK]          parser        168   misctools.
-   [OK]          parser        169   mkid.
-   [OK]          parser        170   mlssa.
-   [OK]          parser        171   mmdf.
-   [OK]          parser        172   modem.
-   [OK]          parser        173   modulefile.
-   [OK]          parser        174   motorola.
-   [OK]          parser        175   mozilla.
-   [OK]          parser        176   msdos.
-   [OK]          parser        177   msooxml.
-   [OK]          parser        178   msvc.
-   [OK]          parser        179   msx.
-   [OK]          parser        180   mup.
-   [OK]          parser        181   music.
-   [OK]          parser        182   nasa.
-   [OK]          parser        183   natinst.
-   [OK]          parser        184   ncr.
-   [OK]          parser        185   neko.
-   [OK]          parser        186   netbsd.
-   [OK]          parser        187   netscape.
-   [OK]          parser        188   netware.
-   [OK]          parser        189   news.
-   [OK]          parser        190   nitpicker.
-   [OK]          parser        191   numpy.
-   [OK]          parser        192   oasis.
-   [OK]          parser        193   ocaml.
-   [OK]          parser        194   octave.
-   [OK]          parser        195   ole2compounddocs.
-   [OK]          parser        196   olf.
-   [OK]          parser        197   openfst.
-   [OK]          parser        198   opentimestamps.
-   [OK]          parser        199   os2.
-   [OK]          parser        200   os400.
-   [OK]          parser        201   os9.
-   [OK]          parser        202   osf1.
-   [OK]          parser        203   palm.
-   [OK]          parser        204   parix.
-   [OK]          parser        205   parrot.
-   [OK]          parser        206   pascal.
-   [OK]          parser        207   pbf.
-   [OK]          parser        208   pbm.
-   [OK]          parser        209   pc88.
-   [OK]          parser        210   pc98.
-   [OK]          parser        211   pdf.
-   [OK]          parser        212   pdp.
-   [OK]          parser        213   perl.
-   [OK]          parser        214   pgf.
-   [OK]          parser        215   pgp.
-   [OK]          parser        216   pkgadd.
-   [OK]          parser        217   plan9.
-   [OK]          parser        218   plus5.
-   [OK]          parser        219   pmem.
-   [OK]          parser        220   polyml.
-   [OK]          parser        221   printer.
-   [OK]          parser        222   project.
-   [OK]          parser        223   psdbms.
-   [OK]          parser        224   psl.
-   [OK]          parser        225   pulsar.
-   [OK]          parser        226   pwsafe.
-   [OK]          parser        227   pyramid.
-   [OK]          parser        228   python.
-   [OK]          parser        229   qt.
-   [OK]          parser        230   revision.
-   [OK]          parser        231   riff.
-   [OK]          parser        232   rinex.
-   [OK]          parser        233   rpi.
-   [OK]          parser        234   rpm.
-   [OK]          parser        235   rpmsg.
-   [OK]          parser        236   rst.
-   [OK]          parser        237   rtf.
-   [OK]          parser        238   ruby.
-   [OK]          parser        239   sc.
-   [OK]          parser        240   sccs.
-   [OK]          parser        241   scientific.
-   [OK]          parser        242   securitycerts.
-   [OK]          parser        243   selinux.
-   [OK]          parser        244   sendmail.
-   [OK]          parser        245   sequent.
-   [OK]          parser        246   sereal.
-   [OK]          parser        247   sgi.
-   [OK]          parser        248   sgml.
-   [OK]          parser        249   sharc.
-   [OK]          parser        250   sinclair.
-   [OK]          parser        251   sisu.
-   [OK]          parser        252   sketch.
-   [OK]          parser        253   smalltalk.
-   [OK]          parser        254   smile.
-   [OK]          parser        255   sniffer.
-   [OK]          parser        256   softquad.
-   [OK]          parser        257   sosi.
-   [OK]          parser        258   spec.
-   [OK]          parser        259   spectrum.
-   [OK]          parser        260   sql.
-   [OK]          parser        261   ssh.
-   [OK]          parser        262   ssl.
-   [OK]          parser        263   sun.
-   [OK]          parser        264   symbos.
-   [OK]          parser        265   sysex.
-   [OK]          parser        266   tcl.
-   [OK]          parser        267   teapot.
-   [OK]          parser        268   terminfo.
-   [OK]          parser        269   tex.
-   [OK]          parser        270   tgif.
-   [OK]          parser        271   ti-8x.
-   [OK]          parser        272   timezone.
-   [OK]          parser        273   tplink.
-   [OK]          parser        274   troff.
-   [OK]          parser        275   tuxedo.
-   [OK]          parser        276   typeset.
-   [OK]          parser        277   unicode.
-   [OK]          parser        278   unknown.
-   [OK]          parser        279   uterus.
-   [OK]          parser        280   uuencode.
-   [OK]          parser        281   vacuum-cleaner.
-   [OK]          parser        282   varied.out.
-   [OK]          parser        283   varied.script.
-   [OK]          parser        284   vax.
-   [OK]          parser        285   vicar.
-   [OK]          parser        286   virtual.
-   [OK]          parser        287   virtutech.
-   [OK]          parser        288   visx.
-   [OK]          parser        289   vms.
-   [OK]          parser        290   vmware.
-   [OK]          parser        291   vorbis.
-   [OK]          parser        292   vxl.
-   [OK]          parser        293   warc.
-   [OK]          parser        294   weak.
-   [OK]          parser        295   webassembly.
-   [OK]          parser        296   windows.
-   [OK]          parser        297   wireless.
-   [OK]          parser        298   wordprocessors.
-   [OK]          parser        299   wsdl.
-   [OK]          parser        300   x68000.
-   [OK]          parser        301   xdelta.
-   [OK]          parser        302   xenix.
-   [OK]          parser        303   xilinx.
-   [OK]          parser        304   xo65.
-   [OK]          parser        305   xwindows.
-   [OK]          parser        306   yara.
-   [OK]          parser        307   zfs.
-   [OK]          parser        308   zilog.
-   [OK]          parser        309   zip.
-   [OK]          parser        310   zyxel.
-   [OK]          tree            0   acorn.
-   [OK]          tree            1   adi.
-   [OK]          tree            2   adventure.
-   [OK]          tree            3   algol68.
-   [OK]          tree            4   allegro.
-   [OK]          tree            5   alliant.
-   [OK]          tree            6   alpha.
-   [OK]          tree            7   amanda.
-   [OK]          tree            8   amigaos.
-   [OK]          tree            9   android.
-   [OK]          tree           10   animation.
-   [OK]          tree           11   aout.
-   [OK]          tree           12   apache.
-   [OK]          tree           13   apl.
-   [OK]          tree           14   apple.
-   [OK]          tree           15   application.
-   [OK]          tree           16   applix.
-   [OK]          tree           17   apt.
-   [OK]          tree           18   archive.
-   [OK]          tree           19   asf.
-   [OK]          tree           20   assembler.
-   [OK]          tree           21   asterix.
-   [OK]          tree           22   att3b.
-   [OK]          tree           23   audio.
-   [OK]          tree           24   basis.
-   [OK]          tree           25   beetle.
-   [OK]          tree           26   ber.
-   [OK]          tree           27   bflt.
-   [OK]          tree           28   bhl.
-   [OK]          tree           29   bioinformatics.
-   [OK]          tree           30   biosig.
-   [OK]          tree           31   blackberry.
-   [OK]          tree           32   blcr.
-   [OK]          tree           33   blender.
-   [OK]          tree           34   blit.
-   [OK]          tree           35   bout.
-   [OK]          tree           36   bsdi.
-   [OK]          tree           37   bsi.
-   [OK]          tree           38   btsnoop.
-   [OK]          tree           39   c64.
-   [OK]          tree           40   cad.
-   [OK]          tree           41   cafebabe.
-   [OK]          tree           42   cbor.
-   [OK]          tree           43   cddb.
-   [OK]          tree           44   chord.
-   [OK]          tree           45   cisco.
-   [OK]          tree           46   citrus.
-   [OK]          tree           47   c-lang.
-   [OK]          tree           48   clarion.
-   [OK]          tree           49   claris.
-   [OK]          tree           50   clipper.
-   [OK]          tree           51   clojure.
-   [OK]          tree           52   coff.
-   [OK]          tree           53   commands.
-   [OK]          tree           54   communications.
-   [OK]          tree           55   compress.
-   [OK]          tree           56   console.
-   [OK]          tree           57   convex.
-   [OK]          tree           58   coverage.
-   [OK]          tree           59   cracklib.
-   [OK]          tree           60   ctags.
-   [OK]          tree           61   ctf.
-   [OK]          tree           62   cubemap.
-   [OK]          tree           63   cups.
-   [OK]          tree           64   dact.
-   [OK]          tree           65   database.
-   [OK]          tree           66   dataone.
-   [OK]          tree           67   dbpf.
-   [OK]          tree           68   diamond.
-   [OK]          tree           69   diff.
-   [OK]          tree           70   digital.
-   [OK]          tree           71   dolby.
-   [OK]          tree           72   dump.
-   [OK]          tree           73   dyadic.
-   [OK]          tree           74   ebml.
-   [OK]          tree           75   edid.
-   [OK]          tree           76   editors.
-   [OK]          tree           77   efi.
-   [OK]          tree           78   elf.
-   [OK]          tree           79   encore.
-   [OK]          tree           80   epoc.
-   [OK]          tree           81   erlang.
-   [OK]          tree           82   espressif.
-   [OK]          tree           83   esri.
-   [OK]          tree           84   etf.
-   [OK]          tree           85   fcs.
-   [OK]          tree           86   filesystems.
-   [OK]          tree           87   finger.
-   [OK]          tree           88   flash.
-   [OK]          tree           89   flif.
-   [OK]          tree           90   fonts.
-   [OK]          tree           91   forth.
-   [OK]          tree           92   fortran.
-   [OK]          tree           93   frame.
-   [OK]          tree           94   freebsd.
-   [OK]          tree           95   fsav.
-   [OK]          tree           96   fusecompress.
-   [OK]          tree           97   games.
-   [OK]          tree           98   gcc.
-   [OK]          tree           99   gconv.
-   [OK]          tree          100   geo.
-   [OK]          tree          101   geos.
-   [OK]          tree          102   gimp.
-   [OK]          tree          103   git.
-   [OK]          tree          104   glibc.
-   [OK]          tree          105   gnome.
-   [OK]          tree          106   gnu.
-   [OK]          tree          107   gnumeric.
-   [OK]          tree          108   gpt.
-   [OK]          tree          109   gpu.
-   [OK]          tree          110   grace.
-   [OK]          tree          111   graphviz.
-   [OK]          tree          112   gringotts.
-   [OK]          tree          113   guile.
-   [OK]          tree          114   hardware.
-   [OK]          tree          115   hitachi-sh.
-   [OK]          tree          116   hp.
-   [OK]          tree          117   human68k.
-   [OK]          tree          118   ibm370.
-   [OK]          tree          119   ibm6000.
-   [OK]          tree          120   icc.
-   [OK]          tree          121   iff.
-   [OK]          tree          122   images.
-   [OK]          tree          123   inform.
-   [OK]          tree          124   intel.
-   [OK]          tree          125   interleaf.
-   [OK]          tree          126   island.
-   [OK]          tree          127   ispell.
-   [OK]          tree          128   isz.
-   [OK]          tree          129   java.
-   [OK]          tree          130   javascript.
-   [OK]          tree          131   jpeg.
-   [OK]          tree          132   karma.
-   [OK]          tree          133   kde.
-   [OK]          tree          134   keepass.
-   [OK]          tree          135   kerberos.
-   [OK]          tree          136   kicad.
-   [OK]          tree          137   kml.
-   [OK]          tree          138   lecter.
-   [OK]          tree          139   lex.
-   [OK]          tree          140   lif.
-   [OK]          tree          141   linux.
-   [OK]          tree          142   lisp.
-   [OK]          tree          143   llvm.
-   [OK]          tree          144   lua.
-   [OK]          tree          145   luks.
-   [OK]          tree          146   m4.
-   [OK]          tree          147   mach.
-   [OK]          tree          148   macintosh.
-   [OK]          tree          149   macos.
-   [OK]          tree          150   magic.
-   [OK]          tree          151   mail.news.
-   [OK]          tree          152   make.
-   [OK]          tree          153   map.
-   [OK]          tree          154   maple.
-   [OK]          tree          155   marc21.
-   [OK]          tree          156   mathcad.
-   [OK]          tree          157   mathematica.
-   [OK]          tree          158   matroska.
-   [OK]          tree          159   mcrypt.
-   [OK]          tree          160   measure.
-   [OK]          tree          161   mercurial.
-   [OK]          tree          162   metastore.
-   [OK]          tree          163   meteorological.
-   [OK]          tree          164   microfocus.
-   [OK]          tree          165   mime.
-   [OK]          tree          166   mips.
-   [OK]          tree          167   mirage.
-   [OK]          tree          168   misctools.
-   [OK]          tree          169   mkid.
-   [OK]          tree          170   mlssa.
-   [OK]          tree          171   mmdf.
-   [OK]          tree          172   modem.
-   [OK]          tree          173   modulefile.
-   [OK]          tree          174   motorola.
-   [OK]          tree          175   mozilla.
-   [OK]          tree          176   msdos.
-   [OK]          tree          177   msooxml.
-   [OK]          tree          178   msvc.
-   [OK]          tree          179   msx.
-   [OK]          tree          180   mup.
-   [OK]          tree          181   music.
-   [OK]          tree          182   nasa.
-   [OK]          tree          183   natinst.
-   [OK]          tree          184   ncr.
-   [OK]          tree          185   neko.
-   [OK]          tree          186   netbsd.
-   [OK]          tree          187   netscape.
-   [OK]          tree          188   netware.
-   [OK]          tree          189   news.
-   [OK]          tree          190   nitpicker.
-   [OK]          tree          191   numpy.
-   [OK]          tree          192   oasis.
-   [OK]          tree          193   ocaml.
-   [OK]          tree          194   octave.
-   [OK]          tree          195   ole2compounddocs.
-   [OK]          tree          196   olf.
-   [OK]          tree          197   openfst.
-   [OK]          tree          198   opentimestamps.
-   [OK]          tree          199   os2.
-   [OK]          tree          200   os400.
-   [OK]          tree          201   os9.
-   [OK]          tree          202   osf1.
-   [OK]          tree          203   palm.
-   [OK]          tree          204   parix.
-   [OK]          tree          205   parrot.
-   [OK]          tree          206   pascal.
-   [OK]          tree          207   pbf.
-   [OK]          tree          208   pbm.
-   [OK]          tree          209   pc88.
-   [OK]          tree          210   pc98.
-   [OK]          tree          211   pdf.
-   [OK]          tree          212   pdp.
-   [OK]          tree          213   perl.
-   [OK]          tree          214   pgf.
-   [OK]          tree          215   pgp.
-   [OK]          tree          216   pkgadd.
-   [OK]          tree          217   plan9.
-   [OK]          tree          218   plus5.
-   [OK]          tree          219   pmem.
-   [OK]          tree          220   polyml.
-   [OK]          tree          221   printer.
-   [OK]          tree          222   project.
-   [OK]          tree          223   psdbms.
-   [OK]          tree          224   psl.
-   [OK]          tree          225   pulsar.
-   [OK]          tree          226   pwsafe.
-   [OK]          tree          227   pyramid.
-   [OK]          tree          228   python.
-   [OK]          tree          229   qt.
-   [OK]          tree          230   revision.
-   [OK]          tree          231   riff.
-   [OK]          tree          232   rinex.
-   [OK]          tree          233   rpi.
-   [OK]          tree          234   rpm.
-   [OK]          tree          235   rpmsg.
-   [OK]          tree          236   rst.
-   [OK]          tree          237   rtf.
-   [OK]          tree          238   ruby.
-   [OK]          tree          239   sc.
-   [OK]          tree          240   sccs.
-   [OK]          tree          241   scientific.
-   [OK]          tree          242   securitycerts.
-   [OK]          tree          243   selinux.
-   [OK]          tree          244   sendmail.
-   [OK]          tree          245   sequent.
-   [OK]          tree          246   sereal.
-   [OK]          tree          247   sgi.
-   [OK]          tree          248   sgml.
-   [OK]          tree          249   sharc.
-   [OK]          tree          250   sinclair.
-   [OK]          tree          251   sisu.
-   [OK]          tree          252   sketch.
-   [OK]          tree          253   smalltalk.
-   [OK]          tree          254   smile.
-   [OK]          tree          255   sniffer.
-   [OK]          tree          256   softquad.
-   [OK]          tree          257   sosi.
-   [OK]          tree          258   spec.
-   [OK]          tree          259   spectrum.
-   [OK]          tree          260   sql.
-   [OK]          tree          261   ssh.
-   [OK]          tree          262   ssl.
-   [OK]          tree          263   sun.
-   [OK]          tree          264   symbos.
-   [OK]          tree          265   sysex.
-   [OK]          tree          266   tcl.
-   [OK]          tree          267   teapot.
-   [OK]          tree          268   terminfo.
-   [OK]          tree          269   tex.
-   [OK]          tree          270   tgif.
-   [OK]          tree          271   ti-8x.
-   [OK]          tree          272   timezone.
-   [OK]          tree          273   tplink.
-   [OK]          tree          274   troff.
-   [OK]          tree          275   tuxedo.
-   [OK]          tree          276   typeset.
-   [OK]          tree          277   unicode.
-   [OK]          tree          278   unknown.
-   [OK]          tree          279   uterus.
-   [OK]          tree          280   uuencode.
-   [OK]          tree          281   vacuum-cleaner.
-   [OK]          tree          282   varied.out.
-   [OK]          tree          283   varied.script.
-   [OK]          tree          284   vax.
-   [OK]          tree          285   vicar.
-   [OK]          tree          286   virtual.
-   [OK]          tree          287   virtutech.
-   [OK]          tree          288   visx.
-   [OK]          tree          289   vms.
-   [OK]          tree          290   vmware.
-   [OK]          tree          291   vorbis.
-   [OK]          tree          292   vxl.
-   [OK]          tree          293   warc.
-   [OK]          tree          294   weak.
-   [OK]          tree          295   webassembly.
-   [OK]          tree          296   windows.
-   [OK]          tree          297   wireless.
-   [OK]          tree          298   wordprocessors.
-   [OK]          tree          299   wsdl.
-   [OK]          tree          300   x68000.
-   [OK]          tree          301   xdelta.
-   [OK]          tree          302   xenix.
-   [OK]          tree          303   xilinx.
-   [OK]          tree          304   xo65.
-   [OK]          tree          305   xwindows.
-   [OK]          tree          306   yara.
-   [OK]          tree          307   zfs.
-   [OK]          tree          308   zilog.
-   [OK]          tree          309   zip.
-   [OK]          tree          310   zyxel.
- Full test results in `~/.opam/5.1/.opam-switch/build/conan.0.0.4/_build/default/test/_build/_tests/conan'.
- Test Successful in 0.350s. 622 tests run.
- (cd _build/default/fuzz && ./fuzz.exe)
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "SysEx File -".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key PGP Secret Sub-key -".
- Found a solution for the given input: "Java serialization data, version 48715".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "SysEx File -".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- "zlib compressed data" ("application/zlib")
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "Compiled PSI (v2) data (P)".
- Found a solution for the given input: "HIT archive data".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "SysEx File - Lexicon".
- Found a solution for the given input: "SysEx File - Lexicon".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "SysEx File -".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- "COM executable for DOS" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "SysEx File -".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- "zlib compressed data" ("application/zlib")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key PGP Secret Sub-key -".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key PGP Secret Sub-key -".
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- "COM executable for DOS" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "Dyalog APL version 23.62".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "Dyalog APL version 226.126".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key PGP Secret Sub-key -".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "HIT archive data".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "Dyalog APL version 218.197".
- Found a solution for the given input: "Clarion Developer (v2 and above) help data".
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- "zlib compressed data" ("application/zlib")
- Found a solution for the given input: "Linux jffs2 filesystem data little endian".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "SVR2 pure executable (Amdahl-UTS) - version 1852787859".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key PGP Secret Sub-key -".
- Found a solution for the given input: "Apollo m68k COFF executable not stripped - version 52253".
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- "COM executable for DOS" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key PGP Secret Sub-key -".
- "COM executable for DOS" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- "COM executable for DOS" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- "COM executable for DOS" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- "MPEG-4 LOAS, single stream" ("audio/x-mp4a-latm")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- "COM executable for DOS" ("application/x-dosexec")
- "MPEG-4 LOAS" ("audio/x-mp4a-latm")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- "COM executable for DOS" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "Erlang External Term Format, starts with FUN_EXT".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key PGP Secret Sub-key -".
- Found a solution for the given input: "Quasijarus strong compressed data".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- "COM executable for DOS" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "SysEx File - Apple".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- "COM executable for DOS" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "SysEx File - ADA".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "Dyalog APL version 126.33".
- "COM executable for DOS" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key PGP Secret Sub-key -".
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key PGP Secret Sub-key -".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key PGP Secret Sub-key -".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key PGP Secret Sub-key -".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key PGP Secret Sub-key -".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "PGP symmetric key encrypted data -".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "Dyalog APL mapped file 64-bit version 28.168".
- Found a solution for the given input: "SysEx File -".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "Dyalog APL version 82.34".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key PGP Secret Sub-key -".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "Quasijarus strong compressed data".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- "OS/2, hotspot 34029x35878, cbSize -1704271185, bits offset 1325675717" ("image/x-os2-ico")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key PGP Secret Sub-key -".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "XENIX 8086 relocatable or 80286 small model".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key PGP Secret Sub-key -".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- "MPEG ADTS, layer III, v2.5, 16 kbps, 11.025 kHz, JntStereo" ("audio/mpeg")
- "MPEG-4 LOAS" ("audio/x-mp4a-latm")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- "COM executable for DOS" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- "COM executable for DOS" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- "COM executable for DOS" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "SysEx File -".
- Found a solution for the given input: "Dyalog APL component file 32-bit level 1 journaled checksummed version 51.206".
- "COM executable for DOS" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- "COM executable for DOS" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "Perkin-Elmer executable".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- "COM executable for DOS" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "iAPX 286 executable large model (COFF)".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Secret Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- "COM executable for DOS" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- "PGP symmetric key encrypted data - DOS executable (COM, 0x8C-variant)" ("application/x-dosexec")
- Found a solution for the given input: "OpenPGP Public Key".
- Found a solution for the given input: "MS Windows COFF PA-RISC object file".
- lint (assert false / exception): PASS
-> compiled  conan.0.0.4
-> removed   conan.0.0.4
-> installed conan.0.0.4
# Run eval $(opam env) to update the current shell environment
2024-02-12 19:36.29 ---> saved as "6a98fd02b70ad1a651220cef674ff7547912f99119d47b0f056afdc48b75313a"
Job succeeded
2024-02-12 19:38.08: Job succeeded